Articles on: Cloud

Analytics & Insights: Target Leads & Opportunities More Effectively

Insights is a VideoCom Cloud analytics tool that shows useful data about media you have uploaded and shared in the Workspace. This allows for a deeper understanding of how your uploads perform, which is a great sales tool for identifying viewership patterns and other areas for opportunities/improvement.

How to Access Insights
Media Insights Summary
Detailed Media Insights

How to Access Insights

Click any media files that are accessible to you in the Workspace.

Click the ellipsis at the top-right corner of your media file page, then go to Insights.

Click the ellipsis menu to access Insights in the VideoCom Cloud Workspace.

You may also access Insights through the following:

By clicking the total views icon at the bottom-left corner of the video
Via the top bar icon
from the burger menu in Gallery View

Media Insights Summary

Also known as Basic Insights for accounts on a free plan

The Media Insights popup displays a summary of how your media is performing so far.

VideoCom Cloud showing the Media Insights popup next to the video

Total views
Shows the total sum of instances the media has been accessed

Embed views
Shows the number of total media access coming from external places online where your video is embedded

Unique viewers
The total number of individuals who accessed your media. Unique views are counted based on one's IP address.

Views from multiple accounts using the same IP address are counted as multiple unique views. However, multiple views within the same IP address from a logged-out state are considered as one unique view only.

Total plays *
The total number of times the play button for the video was clicked (the combined value from unique embed and unique non-embed plays per browser session)

Unique plays *
The total number of individuals who clicked the button to play the video

Completion rate *
The ratio of unique plays that are fully completed. This shows the highest value achieved among all views

The total number of comments in the media file

The number of times the media file was downloaded

Shows the number of countries where the video was viewed

Times clicked
The number of times Calls-to-action and Video Inserts in the media file were clicked

* These values are only valid for media uploaded after March 8, 2023.

Detailed Media Insights

For Pro or Apps Pro-Lifetime License holders, Clicking View detailed insights at the bottom of the Media Insights popup will bring you to a new page that shows more comprehensive data about your media file.

The View detailed insights button located at the bottom of the Insights Summary popup

Views - Last 7 days
Shows a bar chart of the number of views your video is getting on a daily basis

Top 10 Countries
Shows a map that highlights the top 10 countries where most of your views are coming from

Detailed Insights showing data about the total views during the last 7 days and Top 5 countries

Top 5 viewers
Displays more details on how your top 5 viewers interacted with the video.

The following data for each viewer is shown:

Name (Viewer is named as "Anonymous" if viewing from outside the Workspace and/or if the owner did not require a name and email for access)
Video Completion
Number of comments
Whether or not they have downloaded the media file
Percentage of total interactions clicked (CTAs/Video Embeds, if any)

Clicking Download CSV allows you to export a spreadsheet-friendly version that shows data about everyone who viewed your media.

Name (the viewer is named "Anonymous" if viewing from outside the Workspace and/or if the media owner did not require a name and email for access)
Email (this is left blank if the media owner did not require the viewer's email for access)
Verified Email (only when the media owner required email verification for access)
Number of views
Video completion
Number of comments
Whether or not they have downloaded the media file
Percentage of total interactions clicked (CTAs/Video Embeds, if any)

Shows stats about Calls-to-action and Video Inserts in your video. The following data is shown:

Name of the CTA/Video Insert
Trigger Type (Hotspot/Button)
The CTA/Video Insert display duration
Total number of clicks
Viewer click ratio (the percentage of viewers who clicked the CTA/Video Insert)

Detailed Insights showing data on the Top 5 viewers and Interactions

Only CTAs / Video Inserts that have been clicked at least once will appear in Interactions

Updated on: 17/10/2023

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